Montag, 27. August 2012


A lot of people tend to give up on playing sports once they go to university. First of all, playing sports will greatly improve both physical and mental health. Remember, a healthy body equals a healthy mind!
Second of all, university is a great place to try out new sports. Most universities host a sports program where people can practice all kinds of sport, usually for a very good price. Always wanted to try kite surfing?  Go for it.

If you’re not sure what sport to do, you can always try fitness. It’s pretty cheap (or even free if you go for a jog outside) and although it might seem like a lot of unnecessary work, it’s actually a lot of fun once you get started. I personally go to the gym three times a week with a good friend which is really great, and who wouldn’t want to be the proud owner of a nice six-pack?

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